Friday, March 11, 2016


Inka Matilainen | Finland 2014 | Animation | 8 min
PC: Aalto University. P: Jussi Lehtomäki. D+SC+AN: Inka Matilainen. DP: Tanja Heikkilä. S: Tuukka Nikkilä. ED: Inka Lehti. Contact: Maira Dobele,
    Tampere Film Festival (TFF), National Competition 11
    11+12 March, 2016, Plevna 5, 2

TFF: "Novell is a film about the breach between a child’s and an adult’s world and the inevitable change that growth brings told via encounter between a girl and a horse."

AA: A black and white animation. There is a deep thunderous noise in darkness, like that of an elevator. We see the carcass of a foal, hear sounds of a horse. A little, young, luminous, transparent girl appears to examine the carcass. The girl moves very slowly. A crow is crowing. The girl walks a horse towards a man with a pistol. Very slowly. The horse is hesitant. The girl looks depressed. The sound is loud and thunderous. A grave is dug. Snow starts to fall. We notice a bullet hole on the head of the carcass. The girl cuts a lock from the horse's mane. Next to it is the carcass of the foal. The casket with the lock of hair carries the title Novell. There is an atmosphere of melancholy. We are back at the city. There is a long shot of the cityscape. Snow falls.

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