Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tih Minh 8: Sous le voile, Tih Minh 9: Le Branche de salut

FR 1918. PC: Gaumont. D: Louis Feuillade. /18 fps/ 29' + 30'. Archives Gaumont-Pathé. ♪ Alain Baents good. Thursday 7 July 2005, Cinéma Lumière 1, Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna. Only the good doctor with his magnetic touch can cure Dolorès, the decoy of the villains. He hypnotizes her to lead the heroes to the villains' lair. Simultaneously, two villains enter Villa Luciola disguised as monks. From a speeding car, Dolorès is taken away from the heroes just like that. A great sense of the absurd and a great sense of humour in several scenes (Placide finds the wiretaps, the statue hit by a bullet, a little dog chasing the villains). The disgraced Baptiste finds the villains' lair in the mountains. The heroes' group now consists of three amorous pairs. Tih Minh wants to join the mission to the mountains à venger mon père. Unbeknownst to d'Athys, she is hidden in the bottom of the giant provisions basket. Sidonie, the new cook, is a new agent for the villains, and she alerts them via a messenger dog. Cliffhanger scene: the basket with Tih Minh in it falls and hangs on a branch.

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