Thursday, February 24, 2005

Suomalaista kansantaidetta

Folk Art in Finland. Commissioned by the State Department. FI 1977. D: Eino Ruutsalo. SC: Eino Ruutsalo, Ritva-Liisa Elomaa, Eero Naskali. DP: Eino Ruutsalo, Leena Valasmo - 35mm, released in 16mm. M: trad. folk music arr. Erik Dannholm (I recognized "The Wanderer" played with the kantele). Reader of commentary: Juhani U.E. Lehtonen. 24 min. Betacam SP viewed in Orion, Helsinki, 23 Feb 2005. Later in his career Ruutsalo delved more deeply into the roots of art, starting with pre-historical rock paintings, moving to the rustical arts and crafts and the ancient ornaments and forms reflected in more modern designs. How the magic of the past lives in present art. A great homage to tradition, a film of visual beauty.

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